Create-It Just For Fun

you can still find soda can hats! click on the photo to check it out.When I was a kid, you could go to a craft fair and find soda cans crocheted together to make hats. My grandmother made Oscar the Grouch finger puppets that were nestled in trash cans made from used 35mm film containers. I even saw a chess set once that was made from used individual communion cups and plastic jewels. (That one had me questioning old age...) While all of that sounded pretty clever 35 years ago, I'm pretty sure you can come up with something even better today.

So look around your house and think about how you can turn trash into treasure. Perhaps you can create an accessory for yourself, your home, or garden by repurpose an item you no longer use or creating something new from recyclables. Then bring it to the library and enter in the Create-It Contest as part of the Get Your Green On summer reading club for adults. You'll earn 2 weekly raffle tickets and the chance to be judged Best in Show! Entries are due by 6:00 pm on Friday, July 24th.

So before you throw out that whatchamajig, stop and think of a new way to use it!

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